Being radical socialist scum, I was of course in love with Mr.Sanders's campaign in 2016. I donated the little money I had working a pizza job to help support his noble and genuine intentions of working to decrease wealth in equality and stand up for the working class. However, as the campaign went on I saw marginal defeats at the hands of the ever uninspiring democratic front runner. I watched and shed a tear during his concession speech as I saw the leader who stood up for me being replaced by an entitled establishment politician. If you watch that speech, you'll notice that the energy and passion that everyone in that arena had was replaced with conformity and "bleh". Because although Bernie wasn't the candidate we deserved, he was senator that our country needed.
Three years have passed and I still firmly believe in progressive values. But my hope and optimism have dwindled to a point of skepticism. I would love to feel the excitement of participating in a political landscape where the interests of the working class are put first, but then I awake from my daydream and realize that the capitalistic society that we live in places private interests and money first on the list of economic reform. The Trump occupation of the White House has released our regressive and racist part of society from their trenches and empowered them more than ever. How stupid must we have been assuming that having a black president for eight years would eliminate racism and bigotry from our society. White Supremacy disguised as patriotism has done nothing but empowered an army of hateful rhetoric and violence against minorities. And of course, the progressive community being ever active on social media but not during elections has severely decreased our chances of returning to even a centrist conforming nation.
As more democratic leaders announce their presidential run, it is tough to see anyone taking the lead right away. Although establishment politicians are once more being pushed and given attention by large media organizations, it will take another grassroots campaign to ignite the progressives of this country once more. We can only hope that the likes of Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, or another true progressive leader wins the nomination so we can have a chance at gaining our future back.